Bethel LA Community Development Corporation
Blue Shield California Promise Health Plan
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Community Organized Relief Effort
DangerMan - The Urban Superhero
Empowerment Congress Neighborhood Council
Epiphany Counseling, Consulting and Treatment Center
Healthy African American Families
Historic Skidrow Community Clean Up Tour-Coach Ron
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System (HOPICS)
House of Hope
Innovate Public Schools
Karing Advocates United for Social Equity (KAUSE)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches
Los Angeles Urban League Guild
New Life Economic Development Inc.
Office of Marqueece Harris-Dawson CD8
Operation HOPE
Project Peacemakers
Randal D. Simmons Outreach Foundation
Resilience Compass Kaiser Permanente
Southern California Health and Rehabilitation Program
Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Southern California
Southside Coalition of Community Health Centers
St. John’s Community Health
To Help Everyone Health and Wellness Centers
University of Southern California
Urban Recovery Los Angeles
Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation
Vermont Village Community Development Corporation, Inc.
Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC)
Watts/LA WorkSource Center
CRSSLA is composed of partners who came together to establish our collaborative and who continue to serve as one in providing emergency response and recovery for the South Los Angeles area. Click for more on our History.
How to become a partner:
Go to our Involvement Form to share your interests and background. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the opportunities. Thank you for your interest!
How to get involved:
Everyone is invited to CRSSLA's recurring meetings to help develop and organize our work. Go to Calendar to RSVP for the general, education, justice, and public health meetings. Submit your email in the form in the footer below to receive the meeting notices.
For more information on CRSSLA involvement, go to Contact to email a message to the operations manager at our lead agency LA Metropolitan Churches.
Thank you, partners!
We appreciate every partner below for your contributions attending and chairing meetings, donating and distributing food, conducting workshops, attending demonstrations, collecting surveys, making phone calls, producing flyers, recruiting donors and volunteers, and more. Thank you for your collaboration in all areas.