CRSSLA is a collaborative network organized by faith and community-based organizations and other partners. It is not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with tax exempt status. CRSSLA’s contributions are received and managed under the fiscal sponsorship of LA Metropolitan Churches (LAM), a California nonprofit among our founding agencies.
CRSSLA is a charitable work with free services and resources. We need your financial and in-kind support to provide emergency response and recovery for South Los Angeles-area communities. All donations may be tax deductible. Check with your tax advisor for your eligibility.
Click the button above to use your card to donate online by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use the secured card processing service.
Make checks/money orders payable to LA Metropolitan Churches and mail to: Annye Li, Donations, LA Metropolitan Churches, 3320 S. Central Ave., LA, CA 90011.
Thank you for your gift helping enhance safety and security in the South LA area. For more info, contact the CRSSLA development team at (323) 238-0446 or by email.